The Egyptian Labyrinth - The Sacred Temple and the Memorial of the Egyptian kings - Egypt Archeology

It was wraped in the folds of time.
Underneath the massive layers of sand. Somewhere, irretrievably lost!
The Egyptian Labyrinth.
A colossal maze said to have contained 3,000 rooms full of hieroglyphs and paintings. It was named ‘Labyrinth’ by the Greeks.
No one knows if it was intentionally designed to be a maze but it was so huge and so complex that one could easily become lost.
Most historians describe it with a roof made out of a single stone slab, and all of them are in agreement about its astonishing colorful beauty.
It had twelve covered courts - six in a row facing north, six south -
Inside, the building was of two storeys and contained three thousands rooms, of which half were underground and the other half above them
Diodorus Siculus have said describing the beauty of this lost site:
"When one had entered the sacred enclosure, one found a temple surrounded by columns... and this building had a roof made of a single stone, carved with panels and richly adorned with excellent paintings. It contained memorials of the homeland of each of the kings as well as of the temples and sacrifices carried out in it, all skilfully worked in paintings of the greatest beauty."

The Egyptian Labyrinth - The Sacred Temple and the Memorial of the Egyptian kings - Egypt Archeology

The Egyptian Labyrinth - The Sacred Temple and the Memorial of the Egyptian kings - Egypt Archeology

The Egyptian Labyrinth - The Sacred Temple and the Memorial of the Egyptian kings - Egypt Archeology
