Secret Knowledge Hidden Underneath the Great Sphinx - Who Built the Great Sphinx? NEW Discovery About The SPHINX Takes It Out of Shadows !! "Forbidden Archeology"

The visible is not the only reality people!
A lot believe that the son of Khufu was the one who built the Sphinx!! Halirious, isn't it?
Studies confirm that Khufu did perform repairs on the great Sphinx. Which means that this monument was ancient at his time!

Secret Knowledge Hidden Underneath the Great Sphinx - Forbidden Archeology - Mystery of Sphinx
Secret Knowledge Hidden Underneath the Great Sphinx - Forbidden Archeology - Mystery of Sphinx

Great things grow to a certain height, then they fail and fade off. Except Ancient Structures! They beat the rule!
The Great Sphinx rose in ancient times as a tall man in a short race, he still does, and he will shimmer amongst all the generations to come.

Secret Knowledge Hidden Underneath the Great Sphinx - Forbidden Archeology - Mystery of Sphinx
Secret Knowledge Hidden Underneath the Great Sphinx - Forbidden Archeology - Mystery of Sphinx

Sientists and archeologists have been buzzing around it with one idea in mind: 'The Sphinx Wonders do not consist of what is being seen on the surface only'
And with the growth and increase of their number, they were allowed to drill here and there! Yes, they were allowed! But where they allowed to dig in the right places?!
Herodotus, The great historian stated in Histories, book ii, 148:
' This I have actually seen, a work beyond words. For anyone put together the buildings of the Greeks and display of their labors, they would seem lesser in both effort and expense to this labyrinth...Even the pyramids are beyond words... Yet the labyrinth surpasses even the pyramids.'

Check out this short documentary
